Beautiful Green Turf for your Wedding Day?
So much of the year here in Dallas can be overcast or wet. We all can’t have June brides. Mother Nature can also creep in and add extra drama even in June. Well now there is a beautiful wedding venu and event space that is perfect for any season. The pictures will come out great and no one will walk away with muddy boots.
So if you are looking to get hitched with some gauranteed extra fun, Grass365 teamed up with Charleston Sky to give Dallas a great lawn for your wedding or any other event you want your guests to have a great experience.
Greener Grass For Your Big Day
Are you interested in greener grass? Grass that requires no watering, next to no maintenance, and will never leave your home or event center muddy? Our customers contact us about getting artificial grass for a variety of different reasons. Some of the main reasons we continually hear from customers are mud, shade from trees wont allow the grass to grow, pets trample down the grass, kids trample down the grass, and existing grass is not pretty to look at.
We recently completed an artificial grass installation for a brand new wedding/event center located in Cooper, TX. The owners grew up in that area and wanted to bring something beautiful to that little town. The property and building are beautiful, and we were so pleased to be able to add to that beauty and allow events to take place outside without the concern of weather causing issues. We have done installs like this around the United States for wedding venues and hotel courtyards. Places like this see the value of investing in our product. They no longer have to do much of anything to maintain this area, and due to the superior drainage of our products compared to other artificial grass on the market, rain and mud no longer cause last minute shifts and changes in logistics.
How to Find Us
If you are considering the location of your next corporate event, or deciding where the perfect venue would be for your wedding, I would encourage you to reach out to the folks at Charleston Sky ( If you are interested in getting the best artificial grass on the market, contact Grass!365 of Dallas (

Get in touch with Mason
I look forward to meeting you and seeing your property. Whether Commercial or Residential, our products and process will deliver a beautiful and functional installation.
Phone: (469) 771-8006