Dallas – Pet Turf – Residential and Commercial

Grass!365 Dallas can install the perfect play area for your pets.  Highest Drainage Rates of any turf on the market.

Drainage and Odors are certainly a big part of the final product when it comes to considering Pet Turf project for your home or business.  Grass!365 with its SealTuft backing delivers the industry leading drainage of over 1,000 inches per hour.  With well over 20 year of experience, we will guide you through and educate you on turf options, base design, infills down in the turf to help with odor and best maintenance practices so your Pet Turf will look great and perform as you expect it to.

Different yarns and turf construction are a part of this process and the overall system will be designed for the number of four legged friends, your space and your budget.

We look forward to seeing your property and helping to deliver a great dog friendly pet turf installation.

Dallas Texas Popular Synthetic Grass Solutions

Artificial Grass Lawns Dallas


Backyard Putting Greens


Grass365 locally owned and operated in Dallas

Get in touch with Mason

I look forward to meeting you and seeing your property. Whether Commercial or Residential, our products and process will deliver a beautiful and functional installation.

Phone: (469) 771-8006

E-mail: Mason@Grass365.com

Financing Available

Get 12 Months, 0% Financing.

No Payments, No Interest for 12 Months

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