Having a backyard putting green is every golfer’s dream.
But for the discerning player, not just any putting green will do.
In order for a backyard putting green to be worth the investment, it is imperative that the green looks, feels, and plays like a golf green would on a championship golf course.
Otherwise, why build one?
The ONLY way to achieve this is to use slit-film style synthetic grass and fill it about 3/4 of the way full with infill sand. After it is full, the remaining exposed blades are then crimped over with a heavy duty roller.
This is how we achieve a bent grass style surface with the appropriate speed on the Stimpmeter.
There is tremendous benefit to this method of installation. This style of green will actually hold chip, pitch, and yes—even full golf shots, up to 180 yards!! It WILL NOT get lightning-fast and rock hard over time, like most short pile greens will do. Short pile greens with minimal infill sand look great “out of the box” and they are definitely a cheaper way to go, but any discerning golfer should not go this route if they want to have a legitimate game-improvement playing surface in their backyard.
Please contact us for a consultation if a backyard putting green is something you’d like to explore. Here’s to lower scores and some serious Friday night fun!!!

Get in touch with Jon
NE Florida’s go to Turf Company, let us show you our great projects.
Phone: (904) 497-0829
E-mail: Jon@Grass365.com