Green Hills turf lawn Nashville

We have so many homeowners in Nashville’s older established neighborhoods reaching out about their lawn and the inability to grow grass.  With our cloudy cooler winters, warm season grasses like zoysia and bermuda go dormant.  With any traffic at all cool season grasses get destroyed in no time.  Neither are great choices for our backyards here in Nashville.

This Green Hills backyard  was converted  from the dead grass caused by lack of sun, which now can be enjoyed as it was intended.  For a more formal look we installed a granite border around the artificial grass lawn to separate the turf grass from the landscape beds.  This delivers more of an English garden feel while keeping the artificial grass clean.

We love helping people use their homes and lawns more with a cleaned up space that the entire family can enjoy.

Grass365 locally owned and operated in Nashville

Get in touch with Kent

Calling Nashville home for over 20 years, Kent and Grass!365 certified installation experts service Nashville and all of middle Tennessee.

Phone: (615) 804-4927
